According to Joey Rea, Director of OLIVESPA https://olivespa.com/, there are five pillars that work to keep you healthy and beautiful inside and out. "They are as follows:
Get enough water! At least your weight in ounces divided by two every single day!
Eat whole foods, mostly plant based. Reduce all processed foods as much as possible (including things like alternative meats, nut milk, etc.). Whole, colorful foods are best!
Eat a probiotic and prebiotic rich diet, this includes sauerkraut, whole plain Greek yogurt, tempeh, miso, kimchi, and resistant fibers, like green bananas, cooked and cooled potatoes, inulin, psyllium husk, etc.
Get lots of sleep! We live very hectic lives these days! Getting high quality sleep for at least 8 hours a night is crucial to your health.
Movement and detox! Get your body moving every day and be sure to get in a bit of a sweat! Exercise is a key component to a healthy lifestyle and sweating is one of the best ways to detoxify the body from unwanted toxins that can be detrimental to our health. To ensure good health, "all of our products at OliveSpa are non-toxic and a great addition to anyone's routine ".
If you are looking to clean up the beauty products in your bathroom, check out their site for a list of products.

Joey Rea
OLIVESPA | Director
Main: (480) 888-9290 | Cell: (480) 544-1033
25062 S Meridian Rd, Queen Creek, AZ